Key Contacts

School Telephone Number: (212) 666-1278; Fax: (212) 666-3805

Vikram Arora, Principal, ext. 5022

Contact Principal Arora regarding: school oversight. Principal Arora supervises the math and science departments.

Tricia Gordon, Assistant Principal, ext. 3132
Contact Assistant Principal Gordon regarding: special education, the college office, testing (state, local, and in-school), testing accommodations, 504 compliance, and related services (guidance; speech & language; etc). 

Erin Flaherty, Assistant Principal, ext. 4131
Contact AP Flaherty regarding: school culture; the dean's office; restorative justice; student discipline; student clubs and enrichment. AP Flaherty supervises the English and Fine Arts departments at CSS.

Zach Lynn, Ph.D., Assistant Principal, ext. 5074

Contact Dr. Lynn regarding: programming, physical plant issues, school operations, and research opportunities. AP Lynn supervises Social Studies and Engineering/Computer Science.


Student Support Services

Harold DeLucia, Dean, ext. 4133
Contact Dean DeLucia with questions about the dress code, restorative justice, and conduct issues.

Isis Ramos, Parent Coordinator, ext. 5032
Contact Ms. Ramos with your school questions, concerns and suggestions. She is the liaison between parents and the school. She can tell you who to contact for areas not covered here and can help schedule appointments with administrators.

Counselor Córdoba, Bilingual Counselor Grades 8-10, ext. 4093
Contact Counselor Córdoba regarding academic, emotional, and social concerns

Arlene Fernandez, Bilingual Counselor Grades 11-12, ext. 4096

Contact Counselor Fernandez regarding academic, emotional, and social concerns

Laur-Edine Pierre, School Social Worker Grades 6-7 ext. 4094

Contact SSW Pierre regarding academic, emotional, and social concerns

Jean Guerrier, Attendance Coordinator, ext. 5035
Contact Mr. Guerrier regarding your child’s attendance. Please advise him by email or telephone if your child is absent or will be absent. 

Aziz Woodson, Technology Coordinator, ext. 5053
Contact Mr. Woodson regarding school email, website and online grade book.

SONYC - ext. 3000, Phoenix Madera – Director
Contact Mr. Madera regarding the SONYC afterschool program.

Nurses Walker and Olu, ext. 1020
The Nurse's office is in Room 103C. Alternate number: 212-961-5640 x5.

Directory by Department

Directory by Grade