Foreign Language

The study of Latin for all students in 6th grade provides them with not only the fundamentals of language study but also the knowledge and understanding of grammar and parts of speech. Students begin to understand the evolution of language and how knowledge of Latin roots and vocabulary not only assist students in their study of Spanish (and other Romance languages) but also their own study of English. 

The goal of the Spanish program at CSS is for students to communicate effectively in Spanish in order to function in a variety of intercultural contexts and for multiple purposes.  Additionally, learners use Spanish to identify, describe, compare, and explain the practices, products and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures. Instruction is essentially student-centered and focuses on the performance of basic functions of communication: socializing, providing and obtaining information, expressing an opinion, and persuasion.

Students in the Spanish program demonstrate their mastery at various points during their study with the Spanish Proficiency Exam (after Spanish 1), the Languages Other Than English Exam (after Spanish 3) and the Advanced Placement Exam in Spanish Language and Culture (after Spanish 5).  Students completing Spanish 5 also have the opportunity to receive the New York State Seal of Biliteracy. The New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English.  The intent of the NYSSB is to encourage the study of languages; identify high school graduates with language and biliteracy skills for employers; provide universities with additional information about applicants seeking admission; prepare students with twenty-first century skills; recognize the value of foreign and native language instruction in schools; and affirm the value of diversity in a multilingual society.


Photo of Brianna Lopez

Brianna Lopez

Spanish Teacher

Photo of Nathali Mendoza

Nathali Mendoza

Spanish Teacher

Michelle Roit

Spanish Teacher

Hello! I'm Professor Roit, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be a part of the CSS ...