Diana Lennon was selected to receive the Linnaean Society's Shelda Taylor Award in recognition of her enthusiasm for inspiring students by exposing them to natural life.
The Linnaean Society of New York has selected CSS Science Teacher Diana Lennon to receive their Shelda Taylor Award. This award is in recognition of her work in inspiring an interest in birds in her Environmental Science students at Columbia Secondary School. The field trips to Morningside Park that she co-led with Linnaean Society Vice President Ken Chaya have shown her enthusiasm for teaching students about nature.
Prof Lennon will be presented with the award on March 10, 2020, at the Linnaean Society's annual dinner.
A description of the Society can be found here: https://linnaeannewyork.org/
The Shelda Taylor Award is given in honor of Shelda Taylor, who taught in the New York City school system. She emphasized natural history, particularly birds, in her classes. Recipients have made a sustained and substantial impact on educating K–12 students on aspects of natural history.
Congratulations, Prof Lennon!